Preventing Package Theft This Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, the Dixon Police Department reminds residents to stay vigilant against package theft, commonly known as porch piracy. While we actively work to deter and catch package thieves, including our bait package program, we also encourage community members to take proactive steps to protect their deliveries.

Tips to Avoid Package Theft:

  1. Track Your Packages: Use tracking services provided by carriers to stay informed about your package's delivery status. This allows you to be home when the package is due to arrive or make alternate arrangements.
  2. Secure Delivery Options: Consider using secure delivery options such as lockboxes or secure pickup locations offered by carriers. Some companies offer services where packages can be left in a car or garage.
  3. Neighbor Assistance: If you're not home, ask a trusted neighbor to collect your package. Building good relationships with your neighbors can be a great defense against porch pirates.
  4. Delivery Instructions: Provide specific instructions to delivery personnel about where to safely place your packages, such as a hidden spot or a side door.
  5. Surveillance Cameras: Install home surveillance cameras. These not only act as a deterrent but can also be crucial in identifying thieves.
  6. Insurance and Delivery Guarantees: Check if your packages are insured or if the seller or carrier offers a delivery guarantee. This can be helpful in case of theft.

Dixon PD Bait Package Program:

In our continued effort to combat package theft, the Dixon Police Department operates a bait package program. We strategically place GPS-tracked packages in various locations around the city to catch porch pirates in action. This proactive approach has been effective in deterring and apprehending package thieves.

If You Are a Victim:

If you become a victim of package theft, report it to the Dixon Police Department immediately. Provide any details you have, including tracking information, descriptions of the package, and any surveillance footage.

Let's Work Together:

We ask our residents to remain alert and report any suspicious activity. By working together, we can ensure a safer and happier holiday season for everyone in our community.

Stay safe and vigilant!

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