Zoning Ordinance and Map

Current Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map

The current Zoning Ordinance is Title 18 of the Dixon Municipal Code (DMC) and is accompanied by the Zoning Map. The City recently adopted a comprehensive update  to the General Plan (General Plan 2040) in May 2021. The new Plan incorporates changes to land use designations and new policies that in certain situations result in conflicts between the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. 

As noted below, the City is commencing a comprehensive update the the Zoning Ordinance and Map to modernize and streamline the Zoning, but more importantly make it consistent with the new General Plan. In the meantime, until the comprehensive edits are adopted, there may be situations where zoning will not match General Plan. In those situations, an applicant may need to include a Zoning Ordinance Text or Map amendment to Rezone a property to be consistent with the General Plan or wait until the City completes it's update. Please check with a planner at planningdepartment@cityofdixon.us for any questions about a property to learn about the current General Plan and Zoning.

Comprehensive Update to Zoning Ordinance & Map Project

In summer of 2021, the City initiated a project to comprehensively update the City's Zoning Ordinance and Map. This project is anticipated to take 1-1.5 years to complete. For information about this project  please go here or bookmark this page https://www.cityofdixon.us/zoningupdate

General Information
Community Development Director
Raffi Boloyan
Chief Building Official
Larry Paisley
Associate Planner
Scott Greeley
Building Inspector
Joel Engrahm
Contract Permit Technician
Terra Hudson
600 East A St.

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm