To contact the building division for permit application or general questions, please email or (707) 678-7000 x 1789
To request an inspection, you can call and leave a message on the 24 hour inspection line (707) 678-7005. More detailed information about inspections can be found in the building inspection information link below.
Building Inspection Information
The city has been working to upgrade it's permit tracking software and a go live date for the new software has been set. On September 16, 2024, the new software will be active. During the week before the go live (9/9/24 - 9/15/24), there will be interruption to our ability to enter or issue new permits. For more information, please see attached handout
EV Charger Installation Program for Qualified PG&E Electric Customers
Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) Multifamily and Small Business Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Program is designed to increase reliable access to EV charging where people live and work. This program can install EV chargers at no-cost for qualified multifamily properties with more than 5 units located in a priority community. For properties outside of priority communities, you can receive up to $6,000 per EV charger. Ecology Action, PG&E’s third-party Program implementer, can provide the following services to your qualified property:
Learn more and apply on the Multifamily and Small Business Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Program website, or contact Ecology Action to schedule an appointment and we’ll walk you through the application process!
The CIty has reviewed it's building permit, fire permit and technology fee. The update sought to 1) update methodology for calculation of building permit fees from a square footage basis to a more traditional valuation basis, 2) Update cost of service calculations used to establish the fees for both building and fire permits, and 3) update the technology fee to incorporate new costs from City's purchase and current implementation of a permit tracking software.
The City conducted two outreach meetings with local contractor, developers and builders on September 14, and September 20, 2023. A copy of this presentation can be found here. In addition, the fee justification study are included here. Building Permit Fee Update/Justification and Fire Permit Fee Justification/Update are provided.
The item was reviewed by the City Council on November 7, 2023 and approved. Notice of this meeting is provided here as is the adopted Resolution (City Council Resolution No 23-214). The updated Fire Department Construction and Operational fees, along with the Technology Fee update will become effective 60 days after it's adoption, or January 8, 2024. The updated Building Permit Fees were approved, but the implementation has been deferred to coincide with the "go live" date of the new permit tracking software the city is currently implementing (currently anticipated no earlier than mid September 2024). The City would provide notice of the actual date on the City web site, posting at City Hall public counter and at a public meeting before the council, atleast 15 days before the actual effective date. Fee will be assessed based on the application date of a complete building permit submittal, therefore any permit application submitted prior to the go live date will be assessed under the current fee schedule and any permit application submitted on or after the go live date, will be assessed under the new fee schedule.
The Staff report for the City Council hearing, along with associated information, were made available by the Friday, Nov 3, 2023. Those can be viewed at and then clicking on the agenda link for the Nov 7 City Council meeting.
On October 5, 2022, Larry Paisley joined the City of Dixon as it's new Chief Building Official. Larry was selected after a competitive recruitment process and comes to the City with over 8 years of experience in the building field, mostly with the City of Davis. Dixon has not had a Chief Building Official for over 7 years, so Larry will be taking on this new position to help reshape and structure the building department operations and help Dixon move us forward as the city grows.
The Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District offers an incentive program to residents that live within the District to replace their old, non-EPA certified wood stove, fireplace insert, or open-hearth fireplace with a newer, cleaner-burning device, such as an EPA-certified wood stove/insert or a natural gas, propane, or electric heating device. The goal of the program is to reduce fine particle pollution found in wood smoke. Wood smoke is not only bad for the environment but can also affect your health. It is made up of a complex mixture of gases, like carbon dioxide, methane and air toxics, and fine, microscopic particles, called PM2.5. PM2.5 is so small, it can easily bypass the human body’s natural defenses, causing short-term health effects, like coughing and sneezing, and worsening existing conditions, such as asthma and heart disease.
To participate, applicants must:
* Live within the Sacramento Federal PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (NAA) and the District boundary.Residents can learn more about the program and apply by visiting the District website at